3.5 Herbal remedies
There are many over-the-counter herbal remedies available for menopause, with larger chemists and health food shops often having whole shelving sections dedicated to menopause products. These include formulations containing several herbs, or single herbs or oils in tablet form, and they can come with promises of ‘curing’ menopause symptoms. With all herbal remedies, however, we should remember that ‘herbal’ does not necessarily mean ‘gentle’. Herbs can be powerful drugs. They come with possible side effects, contraindications and interactions (with prescribed medications, for example), so it’s important to closely follow the guidance on dosage, and to take any advised breaks in usage of a product.
Remedy | Benefits and notes | Warnings |
St John’s Wort (single herb) | Relieves low mood and hot flushes. |
Black cohosh (single herb) | Relieves hot flushes. |
Ashwagandha |
Soya and red clover (contained in formulated products) | Contain isoflavones, a type of phytoestrogen that mimics action of oestrogen, providing general relief of symptoms. |
Those considering exploring herbal treatments should always ask their GP for advice first. If there are no medical reasons why they shouldn’t take herbal remedies, the safest way to go forward with this route is to have a consultation with a qualified herbalist. You will find a register of herbalists in the UK at the National Institute of Medical Herbalists website [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .