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Talking about the menopause: symptoms, support and the role of exercise
Talking about the menopause: symptoms, support and the role of exercise

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8 Summary of Session 3

In this session you saw how sleep can be affected by the changes in hormone but also how it is intimately linked to stress and the time of life when the menopause happens. The menopause happens at a time when women may be incredibly involved with their families, both their children and their parents, have a busy career and changes to their health. They may be experiencing stressful events such as their children leaving home or having unwell parents at the same time as experiencing distressing menopausal symptoms. The increased stress load can impact on sleep quality which in turn can increase stress load.

It is so important at this time that menopausal women have a strong support network around them and that their partners, families and friends have some appreciation of the pressures on them. This is another reason why the menopause must be considered as something people go through rather than being exclusive to women.

In this session, you considered:

  • the effects of poor sleep
  • why sleep can be problematic in the menopause
  • sleep hygiene and what you can do to improve both the quantity and quality of your sleep the effects of stress, and why stress can be worse in menopause
  • sources of stress in your life
  • practical strategies to help reduce sources of stress and the impact it can have.

In Session 4 you will look at the positive roles that exercise and nutrition can play during the menopause.

Session 4 will also look at the effects of stress on the body during menopause. This includes considering how stress can be reduced and managed to help you to feel better, as well as protecting your body from the long-term effects of stress.

Now move on to Session 4 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .