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Talking about the menopause: symptoms, support and the role of exercise
Talking about the menopause: symptoms, support and the role of exercise

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5 Exercise and you

As we have seen there are significant benefits to exercising during the perimenopause and menopause, but it can be an effort and it is important that exercise is the right fit for you. In Activity 3 you will be offered some advice on how to choose the right exercise.

Activity 3 Exercise choices

Timing: Allow 10 minutes

Listen to Audio 1, taken from a podcast where Dr Louise Newson discusses exercise choice with Janette Cardy who is the founder of Janette Cardy Fitness.

What advice does Janette give about choosing exercise?

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Audio 1 Exercise and the Menopause: Janette Cardy and Dr Louise Newson
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Janette discusses how if exercise feels like an effort, or you do not enjoy it, then it is probably not the right type of exercise for you. Exercise has to be enjoyable, or not too unpleasant, to ensure that it is repeated and that you look forward to it rather than finding ways to avoid it.

So, what are the best choices of exercise, and which are the most effective? Before you look at this you need to hear a note of caution.

Caution is needed for anyone starting a new exercise programme in adulthood, especially if they are over the age of 35 and haven’t exercised for some time, or have any chronic health conditions, e.g. heart disease, arthritis, high blood pressure, type 1 or type 2 diabetes, or kidney disease. Also, symptoms such as shortness of breath, dizziness or light-headedness with exertion, pain or discomfort in the chest, neck, arms or jaw during physical activity, ankle swelling (especially at night), or lower leg pain when you walk which goes away with rest should be checked out by a doctor.