10 Summary of Week 6
You have now reached the end of the course. We hope that you have enjoyed it and learned something new. As Viv Bennett, the Chief Nurse and Director for Maternity in Early Years at Public Health England, said in the introductory video, our most precious asset is our children, and their physical development in the early years of life is so important to their health throughout life.
Top tips
- Think about how you can work with parents in sensitive and realistic ways to support them to encourage their children to be physically active.
- Be prepared to learn about how to support children with additional needs to be physically active.
- Develop activities to encourage physical development that include all children and avoid making children feel any more different than they may already feel.
- Work with colleagues to develop policies that embed and promote physical activity.
- Complete the ‘how you support the physical growth, development and activity of babies and young children audit’ and discuss it with your colleagues to identify ways to change your practice.
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Interested in taking your learning further? You might find it helpful to explore the Open University’s Early Years courses and qualifications.