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Everyday maths 1 (Northern Ireland)
Everyday maths 1 (Northern Ireland)

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1.5 Working with whole numbers

The following activities cover everything in the whole numbers section. As you attempt the activities, look for key words to identify what the question is asking you to do.

Remember to check your answers once you have completed the questions.

Activity 5: Looking at numbers

  1. Look at this newspaper headline:

    A newspaper with the headline ‘Pop Idols: 9 653 000 youngsters vote in final’.
    Figure 3 A newspaper headline
    • a.What number does the 9 represent in the newspaper headline?
    • b.How many thousands are there?
    • c.Look at the details below. Who won the Pop Idols competition?
    • Will: 4 850 000 votes
    • Gareth: 4 803 000 votes
  1. Look at the data in the following table. It gives the temperatures of five cities on a Monday in January.

    • a.Which city was the coldest?
    • b.Which city was the warmest?
    • c.How many cities have a temperature below 5°C?


  1. The answers are as follows:
    • a.9 million
    • b.653 thousand
    • c.Will
  2. The answers are as follows:
    • a.Moscow
    • b.Delhi
    • c.London, Paris and Moscow