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Everyday maths 1 (Northern Ireland)
Everyday maths 1 (Northern Ireland)

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9 Session 3 summary

You have now completed Session 3, ‘Shape and space’. If you have identified any areas that you need to work on, please ensure you refer back to this section of the course.

You should now be able to:

  • work out the perimeter of your garden for fencing
  • find out how much carpet you need to re-carpet a room or floor
  • work out how much gravel you need to cover a driveway
  • work out the volume of a sandpit or storage room
  • use a simple scale on a plan of a garden or holiday resort
  • read maps to calculate distances from one place to another.

All of the skills above will help you with tasks in everyday life. Whether you are at home or at work, number skills are an essential skill to have.

You are now ready to move on to Session 4.