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Everyday maths 1 (Northern Ireland)
Everyday maths 1 (Northern Ireland)

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2 Handling data

What does handling data mean?

A dictionary gives the following definitions:

  • Handle: To use, operate, manage.
  • Data: Facts, especially numerical facts, collected together for reference or information.

So, the phrase ‘handling data’ means being able to read, understand and interpret facts and figures.

You do this every day if you look at bus and train timetables, or diagrams, charts and graphs. All of these show complex information as simply as possible.

In fact, you’re surrounded by mountains of data! If you book a holiday using a brochure, this is full of data that you need to understand. For example:

  • tables that show price lists
  • maps or diagrams to show where the resort is or the distance to the airport
  • charts and graphs to show temperatures and hours of sunshine.

The brochure may provide all the information you need to compare holidays and pick the one you want. If you can, look through a holiday brochure and see for yourself: the tables, charts, graphs and diagrams make the information easier to understand.