Week 8: Structuring sentences and word groups
As you have seen in previous weeks, to express their ideas clearly, academic writers use language in a structured way. So far, you have looked at the overall structure of academic and formal texts and, in particular, essays. You have seen that these texts are organised in paragraphs and that paragraphs are composed of sentences.
This week you will focus on the way writers communicate their ideas through sentences and smaller units of language called word groups. You will also learn how punctuation is used to help writers to organise sentences and increase their clarity.

Congratulations, you’ve made it to Week 8.
During the past seven weeks you focused on the structure of contexts and paragraphs. During this final week you focus on sentences. Learning how to structure sentences is very important because it allows you to express your ideas more clearly.
You will start by looking at the structure of the two main components of a sentence, noun groups and verb groups. Then you will learn how to structure simple compound and complex sentences.
At the end of this week you will be able to do a second and final quiz that will allow you to gain your badge. And then you will be all set to get on with your academic writing.
By the end of this week, you will be able to:
- distinguish between units of language
- use noun and verb groups
- structure sentences
- use punctuation.