3 What is the voluntary sector’s distinctive value?
A debate that rages among academics, politicians, other commentators and the voluntary sector itself is whether the voluntary sector has distinctiveness or distinctive value. It could be argued that all three sectors are distinctive in their own way but what are the elements that make up the voluntary sector and make it special, and why does it matter? You will return to this idea throughout the course, particularly in Week 2 where you look at values in more detail.
The word ‘value’ has more than one meaning: it can relate both to monetary value and to ‘giving value for money’. In terms of the voluntary sector, it could be used to assess how staff, volunteers and the services they provide are valued. There is also increasing interest in the concept of
You will use the activity and discussion here as a way of starting to think about the ideas around distinctive value.
Activity 4 What is distinctive?
Start by thinking about what ‘distinctive’ means in general terms – you might want to look in a dictionary for help with this. Then write down some key words that could describe what makes the voluntary sector distinctive.
Now watch this video in which Martha Lane Fox discusses her understanding of distinctiveness. Martha Lane Fox is Chancellor of The Open University and supports many charities working with human rights, women’s rights and digital skills.

Finally, compare your list of key words with ours.
- How many of these words also apply to the public or private sectors?
- Is it helpful to try to think of the voluntary sector as different or special?
Did you have any of these words?
word list | word list |
cause | social value |
driven | special |
feelings | trusted |
innovative | value beyond monetary |
motivation | value for money |
risk taking | values |
respect | volunteer |