National Council for Voluntary Organisations (n.d.) Income Spectrum: Helping You Find the Right Income Mix [Online]. Available at images/ documents/ practical_support/ funding/ sustainable-funding/ NCVO%20Income%20Spectrum.pdf [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] (Accessed 13 April 2016).
NCVO Knowhow Nonprofit (2016) An Introduction to Individual Giving [Online]. Available at funding/ fundraising/ individual-giving/ copy_of_individual-giving(Accessed 13 April 2016).
Public Fundraising Regulatory Association (2015) PFRA Rule Book: Street Fundraising [Online]. Available at wp-content/ uploads/ 2016/ 01/ PFRA_rulebook_-_Street_-_Sept_2015.pdf (Accessed 25 July 2016).
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