6 Summary
Understanding how teams and partnerships work draws on many aspects of working with others and building relationships. Some people will have positive experiences of both, whereas others will be more negative about how teams and partnerships work. The reality is, however, that teams and partnerships are a big part of how voluntary organisations (and organisations in other sectors) operate. If a team works well, then it can be an uplifting and motivating experience in your work or volunteering.
In Week 7, you have learned:
- how to distinguish between groups and teams and how teams might work in the voluntary sector
- what makes teamworking effective
- how team members fulfil different roles
- the development stages a team goes through
- what partnerships are and their benefits and challenges
- about your own role in teams and how your own organisation might work in partnership.
Next week you will explore stress and conflict in organisations.
You can now go to Week 8 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .