Week 4: Who else is involved in your sector?
Last week you investigated your organisation’s immediate business context in order to gain a more detailed understanding of the sector and its important elements. You examined three main areas – customers, competitors and suppliers – in order to appreciate what influences your organisation and why it operates in the way it does. You were also introduced to concepts such as customer satisfaction, the unique selling point (USP) and the supply chain. Finally, you were able to apply some of these ideas to your own organisation and situation.
This week you will be asked to consider the background to your organisation and job. This includes the other structures and bodies that help to underpin and reinforce people’s employment, including professional and sector organisations, national and local government, and trade associations and trade unions. As part of this, you will explore the role of professional and vocational qualifications and how these might help you to develop your career.
Watch Lynne Johnson as she introduces Week 4.

As with previous weeks, you’ll need the Toolkit [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] or your notebook to jot down your thoughts and responses to the activities.
By the end of this week, you will be able to:
- describe the main functions of professional and sector bodies
- outline how professional or sector qualifications can help your career progression
- explain how national and local government are an important source of information, policy and support for organisations
- use the services and resources provided by trade unions and trade associations to research your sector in more detail.