7 Summary
This week you have considered how the job market operates in different ways in different sectors. In particular, you have thought about employers in terms of their various sizes, but also in terms of their structure and remit. In the light of these distinctions, you have considered which you feel most drawn to and why. These differences have implications for the ways in which employers advertise their vacancies, and you have started to think about the various methods employers use and to apply this to your own situation. With this in mind, you have been introduced to the concepts of the hidden job market and the speculative application. Finally, you have looked at self-employment as an option and evaluated whether you feel this is appropriate for you at the moment.
You should now feel that you can:
- describe the distinctive types of employer, differentiated by size and characteristics
- identify the advantages and disadvantages of these employers from your personal perspective
- outline the main sources of job vacancies and how these are used by different types of employer
- explain what is meant by the hidden job market and speculative applications, and the pros and cons of the latter
- describe common features of self-employment and evaluate whether it is an option that might appeal to you.
Next week you will be asked to think through the knowledge and understanding that you have so far gained, and to reflect on how this information can be used in different ways depending on your circumstances and aspirations.
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