6 Summary
This week you have looked more closely at how to make use of the knowledge that you are gaining about your sector. In particular, you have been introduced to the concept of the SWOT analysis and how this can help you to analyse some of the factors relating to your sector, and assess how these might affect you personally. You have done this in three specific areas: improving your current performance; retraining or gaining new qualifications; and progressing your career through a new job or career change.
You should now feel that you can:
- describe the concept of a SWOT analysis and how this can help you to understand your current situation
- undertake a SWOT analysis on your current situation using what you know about yourself and your sector
- identify how you might improve your performance in your current job
- describe possible steps you could take in order to (re)train or gain further qualifications
- outline how a job or career change might be beneficial for you personally.
Next week you will look at planning action in relation to your goals based on what you have learned over the past few weeks. Your practical action plan will contain realistic aims and objectives to guide you as you take steps to make these aspirations a reality.
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