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Working in diverse teams
Working in diverse teams

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1 Why are we still talking about teamwork?

How do you feel about working in a team? Watch this excerpt from The IT Crowd [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] and consider your own attitude to teams.

The manager in this clip is certainly very keen that his employees are able to work in teams and makes it clear that to succeed in his business being able to work as a team is absolutely vital to continued employment. Why do you think he wants his employees to have this skill and conversely why do you feel they are reluctant to work in this way?

We don’t all love working in teams yet we tend to say we do on our CV. Have a look at your CV now if you have a copy. Do you mention team skills and if so what have you said about this? Do you feel positive when you know you are going to be working in a team or do you in reality experience a sinking feeling that you can’t admit to an employer if you want to successfully secure the job?

Job advert pages of job roles asking for teamwork skills
Figure 1 Job adverts asking for teamwork

Activity 1 Checking in

Timing: Allow about 10 minutes

How do you react when you see teamwork as one of the key essential competencies on the person specification for a job you are considering applying to? Do you take time to consider how much working as a team is really part of the role and whether this is something you do well? Or do you just ignore this requirement as something that all employers say in job adverts but really means very little?

Reflect on why you are doing this course. What are you hoping to get out of it? Why do you feel this may be good for you? What for you would be a good outcome by the end of this course?

Write your thoughts down, either in the space below or in any other way you prefer.

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You will revisit this at the end of the course to see how much your feelings about teams, and also your objectives for taking this course, have changed or been fulfilled.

Next you will hear about why teamwork is so important for employers.