Further reading
A dietitian put extreme ‘clean eating’ claims to the test [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]
Monty Python, Life of Brian: The 1979 film, Life of Brian, includes a scene in which Brian is selling snacks in a Roman arena: the first 27 seconds of this clip summarise the sorts of foods we often associate with the Roman elite.
The Shield of Minerva: The ‘Shield of Minerva’ was described by Suetonius in his life of the emperor Vitellius.
Barbara Levick and Doreen Innes, ‘Luxurious dentifrice in Rome’, Omnibus 1989: This short article explores dental problems in the ancient world and Roman methods of cleaning the teeth.
[Hippocrates] on regimen in acute diseases: Here you can find the full text.
Sally Grainger, ‘Master-chef or glutton? The mystery of Apicius’, Omnibus 1999: In this article, Sally Grainger discusses the identity of the author behind the De re coquinaria recipe book.
Women’s idealised bodies have changed dramatically over time - but are standards becoming more unattainable?: This article discusses how the ideal shape of women’s bodies has changed over time.
Houses of Pompeii: Houses in Pompeii are identified by their ‘region’. II.4.10 refers to Region II. Simply scroll down the homepage to find out more about the house of Julia Felix.
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinorum: This collection of classical Latin inscriptions gives an insight into the history and everyday life of ancient Rome.
Prices in ancient Rome: Find out more about ancient Roman currency.
Ancient DNA: written in bone: This article further describes the Lant Street Teenager.
Alimentarium: Ettore Rossi’s collection of feeding bottles.