Week 1: Introducing the autism spectrum
By the end of this week you should be able to:
- evaluate and update your own knowledge of autism
- express a general overview of autism and why it is considered a spectrum
- understand different ways of gaining evidence and insights into autism
- appreciate some different experiences of autism
- understand key milestones in autism history.
Now watch the video in which Dr Ilona Roth introduces this week’s work.

Please note: in order to earn the badge for this course, you will need to visit every page in the course, and pass the two badge quizzes in Weeks 4 and 8. The progress bar at the top of each page will track your overall percentage of completion, and you can double check which sections you've visited at any time on the Course progress [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] page.