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How to learn a language
How to learn a language

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7 Overcoming obstacles

It would be unrealistic to think that you will sail through your language-learning journey without ever encountering any obstacle or any of the barriers we’ve talked about. What is important is to be prepared so that you can recognise these barriers and overcome them.

Here is a mindmap of strategies to deal with obstacles you might encounter.

Mindmap around the word ‘Strategies’
Figure 5 Mindmap (adapted from Hadfield and Dörnyei, 2013, p. 70)

Activity 5 Deciding on strategies to overcome obstacles

Timing: Allow about 5 minutes


Promise yourself a reward.


Make use of your environment.

The correct answer is b.


Develop a routine.


Studying my language.

The correct answer is a.


Promise yourself a reward.


Break the task down.

The correct answer is a.


Make it fun.


Develop a routine.

The correct answer is a.


Make rules.


Make it fun.

The correct answer is a.


Break the task down.


Make use of your environment.

The correct answer is a.


Visualise a goal.


Promise yourself a reward.

The correct answer is a.

Activity 6 Thinking about your own obstacles and strategies

Timing: Allow about 30 minutes

Now think of what issues you are likely to face when learning your language, and what strategies you might use to deal with each situation.

You might want to print out the mindmap [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]   in Figure 5 and write your ideas on it.

Try to think of a situation for each type of strategy, and write them down.