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How to learn a language
How to learn a language

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2 Resources for language learning: classification

There is a wealth of resources available both in physical formats and online: bookshops (both high street and online) and sometimes large libraries stock books, CDs, DVDs, and newspapers in other languages. They may also stock dictionaries, grammar books and publications about the culture and history of the areas where your target language is spoken.

Online resources available include newspapers and websites from media outlets of the areas where your target language is spoken, which often offer text, audio and video streams either as websites or apps, as well as sites dedicated to any number of topics which you may find interesting to read in the target language. There are also websites and apps produced specifically for language learners.

We classify language learning resources as follows:

  • those that are primarily designed as language learning tools
  • those that are primarily designed for native speakers
  • dictionaries and translators.