2.1 Who else is affected?
Alongside people who may lack mental capacity are those who are affected indirectly: people who live with and care for them, neighbours, and workers in shops, banks and solicitors’ offices. They all need to be aware of the impact that a lack of mental capacity can have. As well as family and friends who offer informal care and support, some people have a formal role in responding. Who are they?
Activity 5 Formal support
Take a look at the images in Figure 2. Who might they represent and why might they need to respond to a lack of mental capacity? Write your response in the box below.

Professional people in many different roles need to understand what is meant by mental capacity. These include:
- staff in adult community care services
- hospital workers
- health visitors
- occupational therapists
- criminal justice workers
- people working with children
- general practitioners
- solicitors.
Some of these professionals have a role in the assessment of mental capacity to which you will return in Week 4.
You now conclude Week 1 by exploring the importance and impact of time.