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The Scottish Parliament and law making
The Scottish Parliament and law making

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3.3 Finding Bills

Being able to access and find information is an important skill. As you have learnt, one aspect of the rule of law is that laws are accessible. The Scottish Parliament website is designed to encourage as much engagement with the public as possible and make the information about the work of the Scottish Parliament accessible. It covers information on the work of the Parliament, MSPs and Committees. You will also see that there is a parliamentary TV channel where you can watch live debates or access archive material form previous debates.

Activity 1 Finding Bills of the Scottish Parliament

Timing: Allow about 20 minutes

Find the Scottish Parliament website. Take a few moments to familiarise yourself with the website. What sort of information does it contain? Locate the information on current Bills under the Parliamentary business tab. Look at the number and range of those Bills and explore whether they are members’ Bills, government Bills or committee Bills.

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Figure 13 contains what we found when looking for current Bills.

Examples of what can be found when looking for current Bills (6 May 2017).
Figure 12 Examples of what can be found when looking for current Bills (6 May 2017).