4 Summary of Week 1
In this week you have been introduced to threshold concepts. You should now understand what constitutes a threshold concept, and why this is a problem for both students and teachers. You have also seen that some topics present a threshold concept for many students, yet other seemingly equally complex topics do not. You have also been introduced to tricky topics which are the practical application of threshold concepts. Hopefully you now have an idea of the threshold concepts and tricky topics in your subject area. In Week 2 you will learn more about tricky topics, what they consist of and how they can be identified, laying down the foundations for the rest of the course.
You should now be able to:
- understand what constitutes a threshold concept, and why this is a problem for both students and teachers
- see how the term ‘tricky topics’ relates to threshold concepts
- begin to consider tricky topics in your subject area.
In Week 2 you will learn more about tricky topics, what they consist of and how they can be identified, laying down the foundations for the rest of the course. You can now go to Week 2 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .