3 Planning an intervention
In Section 2, you have seen descriptions of some innovative interventions designed to help students overcome specific tricky topics. In this section you will build on the work you have done already on your own tricky topic and plan an intervention which would help students to overcome your tricky topic or at least one or more of its stumbling blocks.
Activity 2 Plan your own intervention
Look back to your tricky topic structure that you developed in Activity 5 in Week 3.
Using ideas from the innovative methods described above (or a different method that you would like to try out) and the design skills you developed in Weeks 4 and 5, design an intervention to overcome your tricky topic. (It could aim to teach the whole tricky topic or it could focus on one or more stumbling blocks.)
If you do not yet have a tricky topic of your own, you can use one that you have met in this course.
Reflect on this exercise and provide feedback about your design through the IRIS Connect under Week 6, Activity 2.
This activity brings your learning in Week 6 to a close. Now complete the quiz.