6.1 How will I submit assignments?
You’ll usually submit TMAs, emTMAs and EMAs using the OU’s online eTMA (electronic tutor-marked assignment) system, although some modules allow you to submit assignments on paper. Your module materials tell you which submission method to use.
You can access the eTMA system from your module record page on StudentHome.
You can practise using the eTMA system before your first assignment is due by sending a ‘dummy’ document. This is also known as TMA00 and a button for this should appear seven days before your module starts. You may find your tutor asks you to do this as a practice.
Submitting a TMA is quick and easy to do. Just remember to follow the guidance you’ll be given on how to format and submit your file.
As well as submitting your assignments, you might be wondering how you get the feedback on your work.