3 Human exploration
Do you remember in Week 4 that you met the concept of scientific research where scientists rarely work alone in their own fields of research. Video 3 looks at the future of human space exploration, and demonstrates this. After watching the video, complete Activity 2.
Watch Video 3, which is about the future of human space exploration and then complete Activity 2.
At the end of Video 3, the Commander of the last Space Shuttle mission in 2011 stated that ‘We’re not ending the journey today; we’re completing a chapter of a journey that will never end’ (Video 2).
Activity 2 The future of human space exploration
Choose the correct option to complete the following statements.
As an example of private investment into low Earth-orbit rockets, first look at Figure 4 (this is Figure 8 from Week 1).
Now look at Figure 5, which is the launch profile of the SpaceX Falcon 9. Having compared both figures, now complete Activity 3.
Activity 3 Comparing launch profiles of the Space Shuttle and SpaceX Falcon 9
Choose the correct answer from the options given below for each of the following questions.
Space Shuttle
SpaceX Falcon 9
The correct answer is b.
Space Shuttle
SpaceX Falcon 9
The correct answer is a.
Space Shuttle
SpaceX Falcon 9
The correct answer is b.
You will now look at how research in microgravity environments is currently being conducted, and how this is expected to progress in the future.