6 Summary of Session 1
Well done for completing the first session of the course! Here are the key learning points from this session.
- Being able to communicate effectively is an extremely important life skill.
- To communicate effectively, you need to know whether the situation is formal or informal so that you know what kind of language to use.
- People convey a great deal through body language, so being aware of your own body language will help you to communicate effectively.
- You can change the pace, articulation and volume of your voice to convey different feelings and messages.
- The more prepared you are for a discussion, the more likely you are to make positive contributions, respond well to other participants’ points, find solutions and reach decisions.
- When a discussion gets stuck, you can move it on by making constructive contributions, such as reminding people of the purpose of the discussion or summarising what has been said so far.
- When you prepare a talk or presentation, giving it a clear structure helps you to organise what you want to say and will help your listeners to follow you.
- When you give a talk, cue cards can help you to remember your main points and what you want to say about each of them, while verbal markers and signposts help your listeners to keep track of where your talk is going.
- While you are giving your talk, check your audience is listening and that they understand what you say, and at the end, invite them to ask questions.
You can now go to Session 2 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .