2.7 Optional readings and resources
If you have time and would like to explore this topic further, take a look at the resources below.
Reward systems do not work!
The following articles take the view that reward systems do not work. As you read them think about how convincing their arguments sound, and reflect on your own views on reward systems.
Mann, S. (2013) ‘Why “100% attendance awards” at school don’t work’, Huffington Post, 10 June [online]. Available at http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/ sandi-mann/ why-100-attendance-awards_b_3414693.html [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] (accessed 17 December 2015).
Paton, G. (2009) ‘Classroom rewards “do not work”’, The Telegraph, 13 November 2009. Available at http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ education/ 6563040/ Classroom-rewards-do-not-work-work.html (accessed 17 December 2015).
One school’s approach to managing pupil behaviour
If you want to explore how one particular school manages pupil behaviour, have a look at the information on their website.
TES behaviour management videos
The whole suite of behaviour management videos by Tom Bennett can be viewed on the TES website. Although aimed at teachers, the suggestions given by Tom Bennett may help you to understand the techniques a teacher may employ and enable you to be an effective support in managing behaviour in the classroom.