1.2 The SEN Information Report
The SEND Code of Practice: 0 – 25 (DfE, 2014a) requires every school to publish a SEN Information Report on their website, and to keep the report up to date. This report provides an account of how that school implements the special educational needs policy – they have to explain what they actually do, not what they may aspire to.
You can find further information about the information required in the SEN report in the statutory guidance Section 6, paragraph 6.79 (DfE, 2015).
Activity 2
Locate the SEN Information Report for your school. If your school does not have a SEN Information Report because you are working outside England, locate your school’s policy for children with SEND. If you are not currently working as a teaching assistant, locate the SEN Information Report of a school in your neighbourhood.
Answer the following questions as you go through the report or policy:
- What SEN support does the school provide?
- What is the school’s approach to teaching and supporting children and young people with SEN?
- How are children and parents consulted about the child’s needs?
If you were not aware of some or all of the information before looking at this document, you might want to have a discussion with other support workers, or other staff members, to develop your knowledge and understanding of the SEN support offered across your school.
If you are not currently working as a teaching assistant, reflect on whether you would feel reassured by the support on offer if you were a parent of a child with SEND attending the school in your neighbourhood.