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Management: Perspectives and Practice: Track 2


HR, Marketing, Finance, Operations and Project Management are all key functions of an organisation. These short audio perspectives give an insight into the roles in these areas and how they interact with the rest of the organisation, with examples of common problems, challenges and difficulties that are faced. This material forms part of The Open University course B716 MBA stage 1: Management: Perspectives and Practice.

Track 2: Marketing Perspective

A Marketing Practitioner shares the key elements of the job.

Tracks in this podcast:

Track Title Description
1 HR Perspective A HR representative explains how HR is a vital part of organisational strategy. Play now HR Perspective
2 Marketing Perspective A Marketing Practitioner shares the key elements of the job. Play now Marketing Perspective
3 Finance and Accounting Perspective The Chief Financial Officer at Step PLC gives an example of his role in an important situation. Play now Finance and Accounting Perspective
4 Project Management Perspective A Project Manager shares her experiences of the role and how it differs between industries. Play now Project Management Perspective
5 Operations Management Perspective A look at the importance of Operations Management and how it's constantly to adapt to the ever-changing environment of business. Play now Operations Management Perspective

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