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Frozen Planet: Explore the polar regions

Updated Thursday, 6 September 2012

Explore the history, places and species of the Arctic and Antarctic with this interactive map

This page was published over 12 years ago. Please be aware that due to the passage of time, the information provided on this page may be out of date or otherwise inaccurate, and any views or opinions expressed may no longer be relevant. Some technical elements such as audio-visual and interactive media may no longer work. For more detail, see how we deal with older content.

Click on the image below to start exploring the Arctic and Antarctic. You can access geographic information provided by Arctic and Antarctic experts, watch videos of the wildlife in each region, and see important historical events as people explore the polar regions.

Alexander Island Antarctica Launch Frozen Planet

Special thanks to British Antarctic Survey for their assistance in developing this interactive map.

Please note: If you've arrived at this page looking for our Frozen Planet poster, thank you for your interest, but unfortunately, demand for this item was very high and we have now exhausted our current supplies. Why not explore the Frozen Planet through your computer instead using this interactive map and the links below?

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