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Internships and other work experiences
Internships and other work experiences

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1.2 A typical internship structure

In the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) ‘Internships that work: a guide for employers’ (2015, pp. 7–9), the following important elements are highlighted:

Table 1 Important elements of internships

The induction process should include an introduction to the company and its senior staff, a tour of the facilities, and discussion of day-to-day duties and any relevant objectives.


If an internship is to be beneficial to both the intern and employer, it is imperative that the intern is given as much responsibility and diversity in their work as possible. Employers should devise a suitable work plan for each intern.


Ideally, an intern will work with a range of people and have a mentor who maintains regular contact. The work plan can be used as the basis for regular performance review conversations.

(CIPD, 2015)