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7.1 What is plagiarism?

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Figure 8 Plagiarism

Plagiarism is using someone else’s work and making it appear to be your own. This includes using someone else’s exact words (or paraphrasing it) in your work without acknowledging the original source, with a reference. If you acknowledge your sources consistently, you will avoid this issue.

Watch this short animation where Bob talks about plagiarism.

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Another approach to avoiding plagiarism is writing in your own words. This means describing and explaining something yourself, and not using the words of someone else. This has the added benefit of helping you to develop learning and demonstrate your understanding.

Listen to a short recording about this now.

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Finally, remember that you should never share your assessed work on any university forum or network external to the OU. University regulations state that all information in assignments is confidential, and sharing is regarded as a very serious matter.