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The fascination with crime: Track 1


Whether it's literature, television or film, crime has always been a popular genre with wide-appeal; but why is this source of fear such a fascinating subject to us? This four track audio album strives to answer this question through interviews with key figures such as criminologists and crime authors, with members of the general public also offering their definitions of crime. This material forms part of The Open University course T214 Understanding systems: making sense of complexity.

Track 1: The fascination with crime

An introduction to this album.

Tracks in this podcast:

Track Title Description
1 The fascination with crime An introduction to this album. Play now The fascination with crime
2 The notion of crime Open University criminology lecturer Louise Westmarland shares her interest and knowledge of criminology, justice and crime. Play now The notion of crime
3 Crime fiction versus crime reality Why are we so obsessed with crime fiction? Two novelists of the genre offer us an insight and explore the link between reality and fiction. Play now Crime fiction versus crime reality
4 Social attitudes towards crime This track looks at peoples attitudes towards crime and begins to explore definitions of crime, with contributions from the general public. Play now Social attitudes towards crime
5 The criminal justice system Is there a moral basis for our legal system? Criminologist Louise Westmarland attempts to answer this question. Criminal psychologist Oliver James looks at the link between upbringing, class and crime. Play now The criminal justice system

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