Nature & Environment
Studying mammals: Chisellers
Ever wondered why rats, mice and squirrels seem to reproduce at such an alarming rate? Rodents are among the most successful of all the mammal groups. In this free course, Studying mammals: Chisellers, you will learn more about some of the evolutionary features that make these creatures so plentiful. This is the third course in the Studying ...
Science, Maths & Technology
An introduction to software development
Software development is the practice of organising the design and construction of software, the beating heart of much technology fundamental to our personal and professional life. This free introductory course, An introduction to software development, discusses the engineering nature of software development, its challenges and some ...
Science, Maths & Technology
John Napier
This free course looks at Scotsman John Napier (1550-1617) and his invention which radically altered the course of mathematics. Napier dabbled in mathematics for over 40 years and near the end of his life he introduced his tables of logarithms which drastically reduced the work needed to do complicated calculations, such as those required in ...
Science, Maths & Technology
Working with charts, graphs and tables
When you come across information represented in charts, graphs and tables, you'll need to know how to interpret this information. This free course, Working with charts, graphs and tables, will help you to develop the skills you need to do this. For further study, there's another course titled 'More working with charts, graphs and tables' which ...
Science, Maths & Technology
Public health approaches to infectious disease
This free course, Public health approaches to infectious disease, reviews the current global burden of infectious disease, the public health strategies that are reducing the impact of some major infections and the challenges facing national and international organisations in preventing illness and death caused by bacteria, viruses and parasites.
Science, Maths & Technology
Achieving public dialogue
There are a wide range of interactions between 'science' and 'the public'. Examples range from visiting a museum, or indulging in a science-related hobby, to reading a newspaper article about a breakthrough in the techniques of therapeutic cloning. Many of these interactions could be said to be 'passive'. This free course, Achieving public ...
Science, Maths & Technology
Birth of a drug
The search for new medicinal products is one of the major driving forces behind the development and application of new synthetic methods. This free course, Birth of a drug, focuses on a specific case study that follows the development of a drug for the treatment of high blood pressure. It is a particularly good example of the application of ...
Science, Maths & Technology
The database development life cycle
No idea how relational database systems are constructed? Did you know that they underpin the majority of the managed data storage in computer systems? This free course, The database development life cycle, has been designed to give you an overview of the developmental lifecycle for a database system, explaining the importance of data analysis ...