This content is associated with The Open University's Mathematics courses and qualifications.
Ready to be perplexed? Try eight different puzzles from The Open University and UKMT, the United Kingdom Mathematics Trust.
There's plenty to keep you perplexed:
- Eight main puzzles
- Over 40 challenges
- No time limits
- Stunning graphics.
Click here to start playing Perplex.
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Try another problem-solving interactive
PhotoFit Me
Would you make a good eyewitness? Photofit Me explores how we remember faces and challenges you to construct the face of a culprit or to recreate the face of a celebrity or even a friend! Test yourself with our interactive and see how good your face recognition abilities are.
Do you have a photographic memory?
Can you hold an image in your mind by just looking at it for a brief amount of time? Try our photographic memory test and see whether you have eidetic memory.
Crime scene officer
Put yourself in a crime scene officer's shoes and try to solve a suspected murder when time and resources are tight. Can you link the suspects to the forensic evidence?
Study a free maths course
Starting with maths: Patterns and formulas
Patterns occur everywhere in art, nature, science and especially mathematics. Being able to recognise, describe and use these patterns is an important skill that helps you to tackle a wide variety of different problems. This free course, Starting with maths: Patterns and formulas, explores some of these patterns, from ancient number patterns ...
Everyday maths 1
This free course, Everyday maths 1, is designed to bring your learning to life, inspiring you to improve your current maths skills or helping you to remember any areas that you may have forgotten. Working through the examples and interactive activities in this course will help you to, among other things, run a household or make progress in your ...
Everyday maths 2
This free course, Everyday maths 2, will build on your existing maths skills and help you to feel more confident tackling the maths you come across in everyday situations.
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Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention.
We are currently investigating the problem and hope to have a resolution soon.
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Doesn't work in any browsers, specifically Chrome and Edge
Bob Blake - 22 August 2018 1:55pm
still does not work in Chrome browser or other browsers, but does seem to work in Edge browser.