Following completion of this free OpenLearn course, Medical statistics, as well as being able to ‘calculate the statistics’ you should also find that your skills in interpreting results are improving.
You should now be able to:
- estimate relative risks and odds ratios using data from a cohort study
- estimate odds ratios using data from a case-control study
- calculate and interpret confidence intervals for the relative risk and odds ratio
- test for no association using the chi-squared test
- interpret the results of a chi-squared test for no association and Fisher’s exact test.
This free OpenLearn course is an extract from the Open University course M249 Practical modern statistics [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .
If you feel you are ready to move on in your study of statistics but don’t have time to study a full Open University course at this time, you might like to study the free OpenLearn course Bayesian statistics, a second adapted extract from the Open University course M249 Practical modern statistics. Alternatively, you might like to try the free OpenLearn course Modelling and estimation, an adapted extract from the Open University course M248 Analysing data.
If you are interested in pure mathematics, you might like to try the free OpenLearn courses Introduction to group theory, Introduction to linear equations and matrices and Introduction to analysis.
If you are interested in applied mathematics, you might like to try the free OpenLearn courses Second-order differential equations and Dynamics.