1.4 Analysis
Data analysis begins with the statement of data requirements and then produces a conceptual data model. The aim of analysis is to obtain a detailed description of the data that will suit user requirements so that both high and low level properties of data and their use are dealt with. These include properties such as the possible range of values that can be permitted for attributes such as, in the Open University example for instance, the course code, course title and credit points.
The conceptual data model provides a shared, formal representation of what is being communicated between clients and developers during database development – it is focused on the data in a database, irrespective of the eventual use of that data in user processes or implementation of the data in specific computer environments. Therefore, a conceptual data model is concerned with the meaning and structure of data, but not with the details affecting how they are implemented.
The conceptual data model then is a formal representation of what data a database should contain and the constraints the data must satisfy. This should be expressed in terms that are independent of how the model may be implemented. As a result, analysis focuses on ‘What is required?’ not ‘How is it achieved?’ Data analysis is a highly skilled task and the analyst has a specialised role that is beyond the scope of this course where our focus is on design. Consequently, we will not consider the analysis task in detail but we will assume that the conceptual data model is the starting point for our database development.
Analyse the data requirements, not the implementation
One of the hardest issues facing an analyst is to perform the analysis without prejudging decisions about implementation. The analysis is purely focused on the data requirements and not about how those requirements are to be met, or the limitations that might be enforced by the DBMS chosen to host the database. Compromises and enforced limitations resulting from a particular DBMS or computer system should be dealt with during the implementation phase. The requirements gathering and analysis tasks should be performed as if the implementation environment will do everything that needs to be done to satisfy the requirements being specified. Any compromises made at the analysis stage will affect the usefulness of the database and may lead to it failing to meet the user requirements.
You may think of a conceptual data model as being a formal description of the eventual database semantics used to produce a logical schema for a database. Everything in the conceptual data model will appear in the logical schema and everything in the logical schema will be in the conceptual data model. However, a conceptual data model is not necessarily expressed in terms of relations or tables, because it will not necessarily depend on the use of a relational DBMS for implementation. You should also note that a conceptual data model is a specification used by people for the database design activity; it is not used by any DBMS, nor is it a programming language.
Exercise 4
For each of the following statements decide which processes – requirements gathering or data analysis – would generate the statement as part of the documented output.
A customer record will allow for the storage of a name, UK address, evening and daytime phone numbers, one mobile phone number and as many email addresses as the customer wants to include.
We need to relate customer orders to their credit card details. If the credit card is invalid we need to know before any orders are accepted.
An order must have the opportunity to include a delivery address that is different from the customer's credit card billing address.
This is quite a detailed description of what data will be recorded about a customer so it is likely to be data analysis output – it might be included in the requirements analysis (a lot of information about data items usually is), but it will form part of the more formal conceptual data model.
This statement is about the requirements for recording a valid order, so it is part of the requirements specification. In effect, it is saying that an order can be recorded only if the credit card details are valid. If this appeared in the data analysis output we would need to include answers to several more questions: What is a valid credit card? What is an order? Can a customer use more than one credit card per order, or none? And so on.
This is another requirements specification statement – it says nothing about the data requirements in any detail. As a result, a lot more questions would need to be asked about the statement and what it references before the data analyst would be able to document this statement.