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Author: Hayley Ness
  • Video
  • 55 minutes

Jury Hub Conversation: Hannah Fawcett, Matt Brooks, Hayley Ness

Updated Friday, 26 January 2024

Hayley Ness discusses the psychological aspects of participating in jury duty with Hannah Fawcett and Matt Brooks, researchers from Manchester Metropolitan University.

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Word document Podcast transcript 88.0 KB

About this episode's guests

Dr Hannah Fawcett

Dr Hannah Fawcett is a Senior Lecturer and Undergraduate Programme Leader in the Department of Psychology. She is the programme leader for the BSc Psychology, BSc Psychology with Counselling and Psychotherapy, BSc Forensic Psychology, and BSc Psychology with Foundation Year. Her teaching is focused on the BSc Forensic Psychology programme where she leads and teaches units, and supervises dissertation student projects.
Hannah Fawcett's research interests lie in the provision of witness evidence. She is particularly interested in how evidence is provided in court, and the way in which jurors understand, evaluate and use evidence in their decision making process. Her PhD research focused on the provision and evaluation of alibi evidence in the courtroom. Hannah has provided expert consultancy to a number of charities and organisations on the themes of witness and offender behaviour.

Dr Matt Brooks

Dr Matt Brooks is a Senior Lecturer in Forensic Psychology in the Department of Psychology at Manchester Metropolitan University. His interests and experience broadly span the areas of clinical, health, and forensic psychology. His Ph.D. research focused on positive psychological change after traumatic and stressful life events, known as posttraumatic growth, which is his core research area. He is a member of the MMU Health Psychology and Communities Research Centre, the Stress, Health and Performance Cluster in the Faculty of Health and Education, and the Life Paths Research Centre in the United States. He supervises Ph.D. students in areas relating to posttraumatic growth, stress, and victimology.


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