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This collection of Badged Open Courses for school governors in Wales was developed by The Open University in Wales.

Each course in the collection may be an area you are particularly interested in. You do not need to complete all three courses in the collection, but you can if you would like to. These courses are aimed at helping you to develop additional skills that may assist you in your role as a school governor. They will help you reflect and learn based on your school, no matter what age group or area of Wales. These courses are supplementary to any mandatory training you may undergo as a school governor.

The courses were piloted here for feedback and improvement. The revised versions of these courses are now on OpenLearn.

  • Cyflwyniad i arweinyddiaeth i lywodraethwyr

    Cyflwyniad i arweinyddiaeth i lywodraethwyr

    Mae'r cwrs hwn yn gyflwyniad i arweinyddiaeth a rheolaeth addysgol.


    5 hrs

  • An introduction to leadership for school governors (Wales)

    An introduction to leadership for school governors (Wales)

    This free course, An Introduction to Leadership for Governors, provides a brief introduction to the field of educational leadership. This Badged Open Course is part of a collection of training resources for school governors in Wales.


    5 hrs

  • Gwaith Tîm: Hyfforddiant i Lywodraethwyr

    Gwaith Tîm: Hyfforddiant i Lywodraethwyr

    Mae llywodraethwyr yn chwarae rôl hanfodol yn y system addysg yng Nghymru fel rhan o waith tîm ehangach tuag at yr un nod: sicrhau bod plant yng Nghymru yn cael addysg ardderchog.


    5 hrs

  • Teamwork: an introduction for school governors (Wales)

    Teamwork: an introduction for school governors (Wales)

    This course will introduce you to the importance of teams and partnership in an educational context. This Badged Open Course is part of a collection of training resources for school governors in Wales.


    5 hrs

  • Addysg gynhwysol: deall yr hyn a olygwn

    Addysg gynhwysol: deall yr hyn a olygwn

    Ni waeth pa ysgol y byddwch yn eich canfod eich hun ynddi, bydd y ffordd y mae'n ymdrin ag addysg gynhwysol yn ffactor bwysig wrth bennu diwylliant ei hamgylchedd dysgu ac addysgu.


    5 hrs

  • Inclusive education: knowing what we mean (Wales)

    Inclusive education: knowing what we mean (Wales)

    This course introduces school governors to the contested area of educational inclusion. This Badged Open Course is part of a collection of training resources for school governors in Wales.


    5 hrs

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