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Safeguarding is key for all organisations working with and for children, young people and vulnerable adults. The need to strengthen safeguarding policies and practices has been identified as a particular priority in the international aid sector. These three courses form a Safeguarding Leadership Training Package for Safeguarding Leads throughout the aid sector, at regional, national and local levels and contribute to building a cohort of trained safeguarding professionals and to the professionalisation of safeguarding. The training package moves beyond compliance issues and promotes critical thinking and reflection in safeguarding practice.

These courses aim to raise the standard of knowledge and skills and equip learners for effective practice in any aid organisation, including an increased ability to understand complex safeguarding issues, devise effective policies and procedures and manage challenging implementation issues. The training package also supports the development of more consistent professional standards globally and career progression in safeguarding leadership roles.

Watch the introductory video below:

View transcript

These courses have been created by The Open University in partnership with the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. They draw on the experience and expertise of practitioners and academics from within the humanitarian sector. Each of these courses has previously been run as a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on the Future Learn ( platform. They are now presented as open educational resources for anyone over 18 to study at any time.

A Training Toolkit is available here for those of you who have studied courses 1 and 2, to help deliver onward training to your teams.

PLEASE NOTE: The themes and content of these courses can inevitably sometimes be disturbing and because of this we recommend that only learners aged 18 and over view this material.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have any safeguarding concerns these should be reported through your own organisational mechanisms and not through this site. The 'Report a concern' button at the bottom of each page on each course is for any content or technical issues that you encounter whilst learning on this platform.

The Open University        UK Aid

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  • Introduction to Safeguarding in the International Aid Sector

    Introduction to Safeguarding in the International Aid Sector

    Learn about safeguarding policies and procedures in the international aid sector. This course will help those working in NGOs and development and humanitarian agencies to better understand the causes of harm, abuse, and exploitation and put in place preventative measures.


    24 hrs

  • Implementing Safeguarding in the International Aid Sector

    Implementing Safeguarding in the International Aid Sector

    This course supports learners to deal with challenging safeguarding situations relevant to the specific aid sub-sectors they are working in, focussing on work practice and authentic learning relating directly to the aid sector using where possible real-life scenarios.


    24 hrs

  • Leadership in Safeguarding in the International Aid Sector

    Leadership in Safeguarding in the International Aid Sector

    This course explores the relationship between leadership and safeguarding both within and across organisations and sectors. It facilitates a strengths-based approach to leadership and influence in a range of global safeguarding contexts.


    8 hrs

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