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Implementing Safeguarding in the International Aid Sector

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Implementing Safeguarding in the International Aid Sector

About this course

  • 24 hours study
  • Level 2: Intermediate
  • Gain a digital badge


5 out of 5 stars

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    • Welcome

      Welcome to Implementing Safeguarding in the International Aid Sector. This course is intended for learners who already have some knowledge and experience of safeguarding, therefore we strongly recommend learners complete the introductory course Introduction to Safeguarding in the International Aid Sector first.

      Improve the safeguarding standards in your international aid organisation

      Safeguarding is vital for protecting the children and vulnerable individuals that international aid organisations work with, as well as their staff and personnel from all forms of harm. This has also been identified as an area that needs strengthening in the international aid sector. This free six-week course will help you consolidate your understanding of the causes of harm, abuse, and exploitation and learn how to implement improvements in your organisation’s safeguarding measures in different programmatic contexts. Ultimately, the course will equip you with the skills and tools you need to effectively prevent, report, respond, and learn from implementing safeguarding in your work.

      Understand the risks posed to safeguarding in the international aid sector

      On the course, you’ll have the chance to examine the risks to safeguarding people that are commonly found in different areas of international aid work. You’ll also get to evaluate the prevention mechanisms used to minimise these risks and consider how these processes could be strengthened.

      Develop effective safeguarding procedures and learn improvements for reporting and responding to exploitation and abuse

      The course covers appropriate responses to disclosures and survivor-centred referrals, complaints and whistleblower mechanisms, safe marketing and accountability.

      PLEASE NOTE: The themes and content of the course can inevitably sometimes be disturbing and because of this we recommend that only learners aged 18 and over view this material. It is important that you are prepared and look after your own welfare, particularly when you watch or listen to the audio and visual material. 

      Access safeguarding training from the experts at The Open University.

      This course was originally presented as a MOOC on and has been created by The Open University in partnership with the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.  This course was co-created by senior academic safeguarding specialists from The Open University and an international human rights and safeguarding expert who has worked with several international aid and humanitarian agencies. The course material was developed with advice from BOND, CHS Alliance, and the learner community and reviewed by Safeguarding Leads in international agencies.

      PLEASE NOTE: If you have any safeguarding concerns these should be reported through your own organisational mechanisms and not through this site. The 'Report a concern' button at the bottom of each page on each course is for any content or technical issues that you encounter whilst learning on this platform.



  • Gain a digital badge

    Gain a digital badge

    By studying the course you will have the opportunity to gain a digital badge – you need to click on the ‘Enrol’ button to be able to do the quizzes and earn the badge.

  • This course is part of a collection

    This course is part of a collection

    This course is part of a collection of courses called Safeguarding in the International Aid Sector. There are 3 courses in this collection so you may find other courses here that maybe of interest to you.

    See this collection

  • Course learning outcomes

    By the end of the course, you will be able to:

    • Mitigate and prevent against safeguarding risks associated with programmatic and organisational practice.
    • Adapt existing tools using a safeguarding lens to implement activities that minimise harm to those who have direct and indirect contact with your organisation.
    • Respond to challenges of safeguarding concerns using a survivor-centred and ‘do no harm’ approach.
    • Support greater accountability and an organisational culture where safeguarding concerns are always reported and responded to appropriately.
  • Course dates:

    First Published 14/07/2022.

    Updated 19/07/2022

Course content

Below is the course content. You can click on any section here and it will take you through to this section of the course.

Course Reviews

2 Ratings

2 reviews for this course

This course is rated 5

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Course reviews

  • Marwan ALShamaa

    Marwan ALShamaa15 December 2024 5:01


  • ISAURA Leones Diaz

    ISAURA Leones Diaz4 July 2024 12:20

    Los estudios de caso son fantasticos

About this course

  • 24 hours study
  • Level 2: Intermediate
  • Gain a digital badge


5 out of 5 stars

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You can start learning at any time. By signing up and enrolling you can track your progress and earn a Statement of Participation upon completion, all for free.

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Course rewards

  • Free Statement of Participation on completion of these courses.

  • Earn a free digital badge if you complete this course, to display and share your achievement.