Welcome to Introduction to Safeguarding in the International Aid Sector. This course is part of a series of three courses, aiming to build capacities of those in leadership positions to develop and practice their safeguarding responsibilities.
Learn about safeguarding policies and procedures in the aid sector
This course will help those working in NGOs and development and humanitarian agencies to better understand the causes of harm, abuse, and exploitation. You’ll learn what power and responsibility you and others in your organisation have for addressing these issues, and how to help change organisational approaches to safeguarding.
Discover the key principles of safeguarding
A strong safeguarding policy is key for all international aid organisations and their staff working with and for children, young people, and vulnerable adults. On this course, you’ll learn about the different forms of harm, abuse and exploitation that may be suffered by those coming into contact with your organisation. You’ll develop your understanding of the associated indicators of these issues and identify the safeguarding risks for those you work or come into contact with.
Implement an effective safeguarding framework in your organisation
Using evidence-based safeguarding standards, you’ll learn how to put effective systems and structures in place to reduce the safeguarding risks associated with your work. By designing preventative, reporting and response mechanisms for handling safeguarding issues, you’ll build the skills to develop a culture of accountability in your organisation and in communities, that encourages people to report and respond to safeguarding concerns appropriately.
PLEASE NOTE: The themes and content of the course can
inevitably sometimes be disturbing and because of this we recommend that only
learners aged 18 and over view this material. It is important that you are prepared and look after your own welfare, particularly when you watch or listen to
the audio and visual material.
PLEASE NOTE: One video that is integral to the learning in this course requires you to be over 18 and have a YouTube account.
Access safeguarding training from the experts at The Open University
This course was originally presented as a MOOC on www.futurelearn.com and has been created by The Open University in partnership with the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. This course was co-created by senior academic safeguarding specialists from The Open University and an international human rights and safeguarding expert who has worked with several international aid and humanitarian agencies. The course material was developed with advice from BOND, CHS Alliance, and the learner community and reviewed by Safeguarding Leads in international agencies.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have any safeguarding concerns these should be reported through your own organisational mechanisms and not through this site. The 'Report a concern' button at the bottom of each page on each course is for any content or technical issues that you encounter whilst learning on this platform.