Welcome to The Open University online Programme "Préparation à L310: Mises au point” (2015), an introduction programme to prepare you for French Level 3 at the Open University!
The aim of this programme is to familiarise yourself with the various themes covered at level 3, as well as with some of the skills that you will acquire while studying L310, particularly writing skills and library skills. The programme includes a series of:
- Short online activities based on open educational resources for languages, to discover and explore new topics
- Online tutorials (held in OU Live) dedicated to L310 themes, improving your writing skills and library skills. The tutorials focusing on library skills will be conducted mainly in English while the tutorials focusing on language skills will be conducted in French.
- Dedicated online forum, to discuss topics and post any questions you may have, arising from the online activities you may do or from the online tutorials you may attend
Here are some suggested routes that you may like to take through the programme.
Route 1 - if you only have 1 hour to dedicate to the preparation for Mises au point each week, we suggest the following activities:
- Complete one or two online activities
- Post any questions and/or comments in the relevant forum and read or respond
Route 2 - if you have between 2 to 4 hours to devote to Mises au point each week, we suggest the following activities:
- Complete one or two online activities
- Post any questions and/or comments in the relevant forum and read or respond
- Attend 2 OU live tutorials practising the themes of the week
Route 3 - if you have 4 hours or more to devote to Mises au point each week, we suggest you do all the suggested activities in Route 2 and attend as many OU Live tutorials as you can!