Overview of the Course


3. How you can study this course

The course can be studied as a blended learning course in the sense that we combine online learning materials (texts, pre-recorded material, quizzes and case studies) and a virtual seminar that both a facilitator and course participants will attend to discuss and learn from experiences. Blended learning is sometimes referred to as hybrid learning, mixed learning, or integrative learning. The blended learning course can be studied in 3 hours.

The online element of the course can be studied sequentially, or the material can be used as a reference guide with sections studied in any order. It includes structured study time guided by the material that you will be expected to study and the skills that you will develop in completing the course. For the course material, we have also provided downloadable alternative formats. For instance, if you are unable to listen to the Voice-Over-PowerPoint slides, you can download the slides and study the content.

For the 1-hour Live Event, you will use the notes you have made from completing the online study activities to join the group discussion that will be offered on Zoom to support your learning. For the discussion you will be encouraged to share ideas for courses or training that you are working on or might be thinking of, as the basis for learning how to create your training online. The facilitator will provide feedback during the discussion, summarising the learning and providing suggestions for participants to take forward.

If you work through all the content in this course and pass the end-of-course quiz you will be awarded with a certificate to recognise your learning.