Analyze your context for TPD@Scale


3.4 Choosing ICTs for equity, scale, and active learning

30 mins

Earlier you read that TPD should include informal learning opportunities, such as teacher-led discussion groups and reading circles, where teachers can talk and work together around a shared interest. Such spaces are increasingly possible via ICTs.

We know that lack of technology and energy infrastructure, and poor connectivity, are barriers to using ICTs for TPD. But this situation is improving all the time, particularly for mobile phone technologies.

Answer these questions. You can use your Personal Blog to record your thoughts. If you are working with others, do this activity as a pair or in a small group.

  • What ICTs are currently used by teachers in your context, either personally or professionally? Does this differ from area to area, or from urban to rural? What ICTs are viable in TPD in your context?

Now use your answers to think about teachers, or sub-groups of teachers, that you would need to pay attention to in designing TPD that is mediated by ICT. For instance, these might be teachers who live in rural areas with no connectivity, or teachers who have their own personal mobile phones. Present a brief scenario for ICT-mediated TPD in this context. Describe how the teachers will use ICT in an active and self-directed way, to share, interact, and learn together.