Facilitation Notes for Course 3

3.3 TPD analysis questions

This is a substantial activity, so make sure the group has time to talk about the questions. Review the questions together. Then ask pairs or small groups take a small number of questions. When you come back together as a group, record on a board or chart paper the answers that people have, and add other ideas from the group.

3.4 Choosing ICTs

As a group, generate a ‘picture’ of how teachers use ICT in your context. Include all the variables: urban to rural, different patterns of connectivity, and the range of devices. Someone could record ideas on a board or chart paper.

Then have the group use its answers to think about teachers, or sub-groups of teachers, that you would need to pay attention to in designing TPD that is mediated by ICT. Present a brief scenario for ICT-mediated TPD in this context. Describe how the teachers will use ICT in an active and self-directed way, to share, interact, and learn together. Encourage members to be as imaginative as possible in this scenario. People can work as a pair, or in a small group.

3.5 Your TPD data

The group can do this activity together. Ask the group to identify areas of information that seem to be missing, or may be less reliable. What would they need to do, in order to collect the information they need, and how would they use this information – about teachers, schools, and about ICTs?

3.6 Principles for scaling impact

After reading from the Scaling Playbook, give the group time to absorb and discuss these concepts and questions. A key discussion point should be the idea of starting with a large-scale model and then adapting this to address local needs. Answers and ideas might be tentative or sketchy at this point. Participants will read more from the Scaling Playbook, which contains case studies and worksheets, in Course 4.

You can start an online discussion forum to talk about the course with other students, for instance, on WhatsApp, Facebook, or any digital platform that is readily accessible to your study group.