A process for visual storytelling
7. Participatory Video - Growing your seeds together with others
One of the main differences between a journalistic video and a participatory video is how much agency your other community food growers have. In the case of a journalistic video, you’re inviting them to share their perspective, to eat from your harvest, but they don’t have much agency in terms of how the harvest comes to be. Participatory video in contrast is where you share seeds from your plant to your fellow gardeners, you all grow something together, taking turns watering and caring for your plants and then cooking a big meal out of it together.
In other words, the aim of the participatory video approach is to bring a group or community together to explore issues and concerns or tell their story in a collaborative way. Creating a video here is a way to bring people together and engage in a process of exploring an issue in depth. Participatory video can also help to empower marginalised communities and help give a voice to their stories and concerns. This video tutorial has a good explanation of participatory video: