Adapt for your context


4.6 Draft your TPD@Scale model

1.5 hour

Now take your learning and your ideas further, by drafting a TPD@Scale model for your context.

The model or example that you propose can be from the Compendium, or a mixture of different examples from the Compendium, or it can be an idea of your own for a TPD@Scale model.

In the model that you draft, identify these aspects:

  • Components that promote equity 
  • Components that promote quality
  • Components that promote efficiency
  • The ICT or ICTs for the model
  • How teachers will be empowered to participate and interact

In Course 3 you began an analysis of your context for TPD@Scale. Thinking back to that course, for the draft model that you are developing here, perhaps referring back to what you wrote in your Personal Blog, can you identify

  • Aspects that need to be adapted for different groups of teachers
  • The purpose of the adaptation or adaptations

Record your draft TPD@Scale model in your Personal Blog.

Share your draft with a colleague and ask for their feedback.

If you are working with others in a group, draft the model together and discuss it.

In the final activity for this course, you will consider assessment of learning in TPD@Scale.