Unit 3: Reporting, responding and investigations
3.1 Introduction
In this unit we look at methods of reporting, how organisations should respond, protection for whistleblowers and carrying out administrative investigations.
This course explores the relationship between leadership and safeguarding within organisations. It facilitates a strengths-based approach to leadership in order to keep people safe within organisations as well as those they have contact with in the work that that they do, and to influence wider change across the sector
So far, we have looked at leadership in safeguarding and the importance of a safeguarding culture to bring about behavioural change.
We discussed that safeguarding in organisations should not be viewed purely from a compliance point of view.
By looking at the typologies of organisational culture, organisations can consider where they are on their safeguarding journey:
- Pathological – why do we need to waste our time on safeguarding issues?
- Bureaucratic – we have systems in place to manage safeguarding incidents.
- Proactive – we are always on the alert and thinking about safeguarding issues that might emerge.
- Generative – managing safeguarding is an integral part of everything we do.
(Adapted from work on patient safety cultures, London School of Health & Tropical Medicine)