Part 3: Propagation by leaf cuttings and root cuttings

1. Leaf cuttings

Leaf cuttings = sections of leaf cut from a plant which produces roots when inserted into, or pinned down onto, growing media.

This is a useful way to propagate some tropical plants, often used as house plants in the UK. The temperature and humidity of the rooting cuttings needs to be carefully controlled to ensure success.

Leaf cuttings (YouTube, 5:48)
Download transcript (Word 2007 document29.0 KB)


Have a go at making some leaf cuttings. If you don’t have access to suitable plants that will root from leaf cuttings straight away, you can practice the cutting techniques using any leaves.


Do some research online about the best types of plant to propagate by leaf cuttings. Make a note of any favourites that you would like to have a go at in future and which method you would use for each.